10 may 2020

Tarea de sexto ( 6th grade )

Hello 6th graders !!
How are you going?
I hope everything is fine.

Vamos a retomar el libro y vamos a ampliar algo que ya dimos en 5º : el futuro inmediato.
El curso pasado aprendisteis a hablar de vuestros planes usando " I am going to.... Ahora vais a hablar de los planes de terceras personas, "He" and "She", en afirmativa y negativa.



Estas son las actividades: Exercises 1, 2 and 3 ( AB page 63 )

El viernes corregimos la tarea.

Exercises 1 and 2. Voy a subrayar en lugar de rodear ( exercise 2)

1.- Poppy is going to swim in the lake.
2.- She is going to visit the caves.
3.- She is going to run on the beach.
4.- She is going to  ride a horse.
5.- Liam is going to sleep in a tent.
6.- He is going to walk in the woods.
7.- He is going to climb a cliff.
8.- He is going to watch bats. 

Exercise 3 ( el orden no importa).

1.- He is going to sleep in a tent.
2.- He isn´t going to do his homework.
3.- He is going to take  photos.
4.- He isn´t going to watch television.
5.- He isn´t going to ride his bike.
6.- He is going to ride a horse.
7. He is going to read a magazine.
8.-He isn´t going to play computer games.

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