19 abr 2020

Tarea de sexto (6th grade)

Hello Guys!!
How are you going?
This week, we are going to read Chapter  XIII  from " How kindness changed the world " to celebrate  "World Book Day".
This chapter was written by boys and girls from the school in Cuneo, Italy.

Read and answer the questions.

1.- What is the capital city of Italy?
2.- What town do Tina and Jacob arrive in?
3.- Were there any people in the streets? Why?
4.- What did Mayor give them? Why?
5.- What did the Italian Ministry of Health give them?
6.- What did the organization in the region of Piedmont do with Tina and Jacob´s money?
7.- What did they organize?
8.- What is the name of the class ? And the school´s name?
9.- What did Jacob and Tina decide?
10.- Could they hug each other again?

NOTA: Este ejercicio me lo tenéis que enviar al correo. Cuando me lo enviéis, decidme si tenéis el libro de plástica. Si no lo tenéis, decidme si podéis imprimir. 

We are going to illustrate our chapter of "How kindness changed the world". Remember the one-point perspective ( vanishing point). When you finish, you have to send me your picture.
Recordad el tamaño de los objetos según en que parte del dibujo están, delante ( bigger objects), detrás ( smaller objects). Cada uno puede ilustrar la parte que más le guste. No más de dos dibujos para el capítulo. Be creative!!


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello,
    What page oficial the art book?

  2. Any page. We are not going to use the Art book for this activity.
    Os comenté conceptos que ya conocéis, que usamos en nuestro libro de plástica, para poder hacer vuestro dibujo.
    Espero haber aclarado tu duda.
