28 mar 2020

Tarea de sexto ( 6th grade )

Hi boys and girls !!
I hope you are fine.
Esta es nuestra última semana de trabajo antes de las vacaciones de Pascua.
Esta semana nuestro "Reading" va a ser sobre cómo se celebra la Pascua en Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto tenéis que leer la presentación de Maya y contestar a las siguientes preguntas.
1st.- Write the title.
2nd.- Copy the questions with pen.
3rd.- Answer them with pencil.


1.- Read and answer
1.-When is the springtime holiday?
2.- When is Easter Sunday?
3.- Where does  the "EASTER" word come from?
4.- What is the holiday´s symbol?
5.- Is the Easter Bunny a French tradition?
6.- What do people wear on Easter Sunday?
7.- What is the meaning of Brunch?
8.- What is the typical tradition in the families?

El viernes corregimos la tarea.


1.- It is at Easter.
2.- Easter Sunday is on 12th April.
3.- It comes from a Pagan figure called "EOSTRE".
4.- The holiday´s symbol is the Easter Bunny.
5.- No, it isn´t. It is a German tradition.
6.- People wear new clothes. The clothes usually have light, pastel colours or floral patterns.
7.- It is a combination of breakfast and lunch.
8.- The typical tradition is to paint and decorate eggs.

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