31 oct 2023



Second Graders have made these funny ghosts with Katie, our language assistant. They enjoyed a lot.


Pumpkin Parade

Pumpkin parade at school to celebrate "Samaín" and Halloween.

26 oct 2023


Despois de traballar conxuntamente cos nenos e nenas do colexio de 
 Featherston de Canadá, fixemos unha pequena unidade didáctica para coñecer mellor o país dos nosos amig@s.


18 oct 2023




Class 6A participates in this eTwinning project about weather and climate change.

They took this survey at the beginning of the project.

16 oct 2023

"We Learn Together, We Grow Together"


    Class 6 B participes in this eTwinning project.

They wrote their introductions in their notebooks for the activity "Students introduce themselves"

       Then, they uploaded  them in Digipad.   

11 oct 2023

Language Assistant



She is Katie, our language assistant this school year. 

She is from Liverpool and she is telling us about her city.