20 dic 2022

Advent Calendar

We open our Advent Calendar every morning and read the messages and questions.


And 5th graders have made some crackers to do a Secret Santa.



Then, they pulled their crackers.

2 dic 2022

PIALE: Pen-Pals


Os nenos e nenas de cuarto empezaron a cartearse cos alumn@s da profesora Katie Laurie, unha das mestras coa que pasei moitas horas na súa clase e xurdiú a posibilidade de facer esta actividade. 

28 nov 2022


PIALE 2022

Tiven a gran sorte de ser admitida  para participar nesta estupenda experiencia como mestra de inglés.

O Featherston Drive Public School  pertence a Ottawa Carleton District School.

Esta foi a miña escola, onde colaborei e fixen o meu traballo de observación, onde non había estrés  sin presión polos contidos. É un centro diverso e multicultural.

Favorécese a integración, a inclusión, a autonomía e o pensamiento crítico.
"Preparing lifelong learners and caring contributing citizens"

Jeff, o meu titor, que estivo pendente de min en todo momento durante a miña estancia na escola.
Grazas Jeff!!

21 sept 2022

Quest in Egypt

 We have started a new eTwinning project.

Today we have watched the project presentation.

And we have started to design the logo for  the project.

23 jun 2022

Mission to (Twin) Space

We have got the Quality Label for this project. Congratulations kids!!

It has been a great pleasure to work again with so great team of teachers and so amazing founders.

31 may 2022

Language Assistant

We have to say goodbye to Rose!!
These four months with you have been great!!. We have learnt a lot!!
Thank you very much for helping us so much and for being so kind. 
We will miss you!!


13 may 2022

Mission to (Twin) Space

5TH B graders have written their thoughts and feelings about "Mission to (Twin) Space on the project padlet.

3 may 2022

Gardening with Rose

 Class 5A did some gardening with Rose and they also planted a fig tree. 
Then they learnt about this tree.

Finally, they tried fig jam.

Sara prepared the fig jam toasts.

6 abr 2022

A Weird Story


 Actividad creativa dentro de nuestro proyecto eTwinning "Mission to (twin) Space".

Después de crear un capítulo en esta historia encadenada, lo ilustramos.

2 feb 2022