26 abr 2020

Tarea para la semana del 27 al 30 de Abril

Hello everyone!! Good morning!!
What day of the week is it ?
What is the date?
What is the weather like today?

El viernes 1 de Mayo es festivo y el domingo 3 de Mayo es " Mother´s Day". Aquí os dejo unas manualidades y unas postales por si queréis hacerle a mamá.

Mother´s Day Crafts

Mother´s Day Cards

From Leire ( 3rd A )

Tarea de sexto ( 6th grade )

Retomamos el listening de Maya. Hoy vamos a escuchar la segunda parte. Esta tarea  y la siguiente me la enviáis al correo.

 : How to dye Easter eggs ( Part two )

1.- Listen and fill in the gaps.

" I just added the ____________ ( 1 ) water into the __________( 2 ) here and now _________ ( 3 )
vinegar and the food colouring.
You need __________ ( 4 ) to _________ ( 5 ) _________ ( 6 ) of food colouring for each one. That´s a wide range ( How many was this ? )
Now ____________ ( 7 )  these tongs. I´m gonna to drop the eggs in the __________ ( 8 ) and ___________ ( 9 ) them soak there for __________ ( 10 ) ___________ ( 11 ) each. It´s been five minutes so __________ ( 12 ) ___________ ( 13 ) to ___________ ( 14 ) them __________ ( 15 )
of the dye and see __________ ( 16 ) they __________ ( 17 ) ....... ___________ ( 18 ).
There you have it, boys and girls. This one here we had sitting in the ___________ ( 19 ) for a few minutes and then switched it over to the ___________ ( 20 ) so What colour does __________ ( 21 ) and ____________ ( 22 ) make ?
Let ´s see ....... It´s ___________ ( 23 ).
This one we had in the blue dye for a few minutes and then switched it to the yellow so What colour does ___________ ( 24 ) and ___________ ( 25 ) make?. It´s __________ ( 26 ).
Here ___________ ( 27 ) ___________ ( 28 ) __________ ( 29 ) Easter Eggs.

I hope you guys ____________ ( 30 ) learning how to dye eggs today. Happy Easter! "

2.- Answer these Maya´s  questions. Circle the correct one. 

Tarea de quinto ( 5th grade )

Continuamos con el Listening de Maya. Hoy tenéis que escuchar la segunda parte. Este ejercicio me lo tenéis que enviar al correo.

LISTENING : How to dye Easter eggs ( Part two )

1.- Listen and fill in the gaps.

" I just added the ____________ ( 1 ) water into the ___________ ( 2 ) here and now _________ ( 3 )
vinegar and the food colouring.
You need __________ ( 4 ) to _________ ( 5 ) _________ ( 6 ) of food colouring for each one. That´s a wide range ( How many was this ? )
Now ____________ ( 7 )  these tongs. I´m gonna to drop the eggs in the __________ ( 8 ) and ___________ ( 9 ) them soak there for __________ ( 10 ) ___________ ( 11 ) each. It´s been five minutes so __________ ( 12 ) ___________ ( 13 ) to ___________ ( 14 ) them __________ ( 15 )
of the dye and see __________ ( 16 ) they __________ ( 17 ) ....... ___________ ( 18 ).
There you have it, boys and girls. This one here we had sitting in the ___________ ( 19 ) for a few minutes and then switched it over to the ___________ ( 20 ) so What colour does __________ ( 21 ) and ____________ ( 22 ) make ?
Let ´s see ....... It´s ___________ ( 23 ).
This one we had in the blue dye for a few minutes and then switched it to the yellow so What colour does ___________ ( 24 ) and ___________ ( 25 ) make?. It´s __________ ( 26 ).
Here ___________ ( 27 ) ___________ ( 28 ) __________ ( 29 ) Easter Eggs.
I hope you guys ____________ ( 30 ) learning how to dye eggs today. Happy Easter! "

( Starter unit reinforcement)

La tarea extra la corregimos el jueves.

Exercise 1
1.- windsurfing        2.- rice        3.- canoeing         4.- juice              5.- vegetables
6.- horseriding         7.- bread     8.- salad               9.- gardening      10.- washing up 

Other words: hello, school, cat, five, boy, guitar, maths, football, four, roll, dog.

Exercise 2
1.- the 3rd of February
2.- the 11th of April
3.- the 22nd of August
4.- the 16th of June

Exercise 3
1.- My birthday is the 14th of November.
2.- My birthday is the 2nd of May.
3.- My birthday is the 27th of June.
4.- My birthday is the 30th of July.
5.- My birthday is the 8th of January.    

Tarea de tercero ( 3rd grade )

Hello kids!!

Reanudamos nuestros viajes, esta semana nos vamos a Marruecos. Leemos y después hacemos las actividades. Recordad, si no tenéis libro, lo hacéis en la libreta.


La tarea la corregimos el jueves.

1.-Read and circle.
1.- a lizard
2.- big ears
3.- black, yellow and brown
4.- by camel
5.- long legs

2.- Read and cross.
It´s a FOX

3.- Write. Este ejercicio me lo tenéis que enviar a mi correo para corregirlo.


Exercise 1
1.- play the drums           2.- play football          3.- play the recorder          4.- play the violin
5.-. play basketball         6.- play the piano        7.- play tennis                    8.- play computer games

Exercise 2
1.- Can you play tennis? Yes, I can.
2.- Can you play the drums ? No, I can´t.
3.- Can you play computer games? Yes, I can.
4.- Can you play the violin? No, I can´t.
5.- Can you play the piano? No, I can´t.
6.- Can you play football? Yes, I can.

19 abr 2020

Tarea para la semana del 20 al 24 de Abril

Good morning!!
What day of the week is it today?
What is the date?
What is the weather like today?
World Book Day is coming on Thursday 23rd !!!.

Let´s make a bookmark.

Aquí os dejo la copia por si os animáis.

From Uxía ( 3rd B )

From Xián ( 6th A )

From Carolina ( 6th B )

From Sara ( 3rd A )

Tarea de sexto (6th grade)

Hello Guys!!
How are you going?
This week, we are going to read Chapter  XIII  from " How kindness changed the world " to celebrate  "World Book Day".
This chapter was written by boys and girls from the school in Cuneo, Italy.

Read and answer the questions.

1.- What is the capital city of Italy?
2.- What town do Tina and Jacob arrive in?
3.- Were there any people in the streets? Why?
4.- What did Mayor give them? Why?
5.- What did the Italian Ministry of Health give them?
6.- What did the organization in the region of Piedmont do with Tina and Jacob´s money?
7.- What did they organize?
8.- What is the name of the class ? And the school´s name?
9.- What did Jacob and Tina decide?
10.- Could they hug each other again?

NOTA: Este ejercicio me lo tenéis que enviar al correo. Cuando me lo enviéis, decidme si tenéis el libro de plástica. Si no lo tenéis, decidme si podéis imprimir. 

We are going to illustrate our chapter of "How kindness changed the world". Remember the one-point perspective ( vanishing point). When you finish, you have to send me your picture.
Recordad el tamaño de los objetos según en que parte del dibujo están, delante ( bigger objects), detrás ( smaller objects). Cada uno puede ilustrar la parte que más le guste. No más de dos dibujos para el capítulo. Be creative!!


Tarea de quinto (5th grade)

Hello 5th graders!!!
How are you today?!!

We are going to celebrate "World Day Book" on Thursday 23rd so this week we are going to read a chapter of "How kindness changed the world".

"How kindness changed the world" ("Como la bondad cambió el mundo") es un libro colaborativo hecho entre todos los niños y niñas de los colegios que estamos participando en el proyecto "Pay it Forward" en eTwinning. El capítulo que vais a leer lo hicieron los compañeros/as de sexto y es nuestra aportación a ese libro que ya va por el capítulo 13.

Recordad, no tenéis que saber el significado de todas y cada una de las palabras, basta con entender la idea general del texto.

Read and answer.
1.- What are the names of the girls?
2.- Where are they from?
3.- How do they feel?
4.- What does the message say?
5.- What do the students prepare to the girls?
6.- What do the students donate to the girls?
7.- What is the name of the capital city of Spain?
8.- What is the name of the person Tina and Jacob want to meet ?

NOTA: Este ejercicio me lo enviáis al correo.

La tarea extra es para aquellos niños y niñas cuyos padres lo han pedido. Los demás no tenéis que hacerlo, eso no quita que si alguno/a quiere, puede hacerlo. Esta tarea también se corrige los viernes.

( Starter unit reinforcement)

El viernes corregimos la tarea extra.

Excercise 1

1.- Cookery Club
2.- Colouring
3.- Geography
4.- Spanish
5.- ICT
6.- Assembly
7.- Registration
8.- Break

Exercise 2

1.- She always does crafts. ( d )
2.- They never play tennis. ( b )
3.- We usually eat pizza. ( f )
4.- He sometimes walks to school. ( e )
5.- They usually play tennis. ( c )
6.- He always watches TV. ( a )

Tarea de tercero (3rd grade)

Hello kids!
How do you FEEL today ?
Con motivo del "Día del libro", esta semana vais a leer este libro que trata de sensaciones y sentimientos: "HOW DO YOU FEEL?"
" ¿Cómo te sientes? "

1.- Read again and circle.

1.- The crocodile feels HUNGRY / HAPPY.
2.- The bear feels SHY / SAD.
3.- The cat  feels  SLEEPY / CHEEKY.
4.- The dog feels MAD / NAUGHTY.

2.- How do you feel today? Draw yourself.

NOTA: Este  dibujo  me lo mandáis al correo. No hace falta imprimirlo, lo podéis hacer en la libreta: 1º.- Copio el título.
2º.- Hago el dibujo.
3º.- Escribo y completo la frase.

Recordad, esta tarea no es obligatoria. El ejercicio 2 (follow and write) lo hacéis con colores, un color diferente para cada persona.



El viernes corregimos las tareas.

1.- Read  again and circle.

2.- SAD
4.- MAD


Exercise 1:
1.- play hide and seek
2.- play tag 
3.- play hopscotch
4.- play tennis
5.- play marbles

Exercise 2:
1.- She can play marbles.
2.- She can´t play hide and seek.
3.- He can´t play hopscotch.
4.- He  can play tag.

Exercise 1:
1.- kitchen
2.- house
3.- bedroom
4.- dining room
5.- living room
6.- bathroom
7.- flat
8.- hall

Exercise 2:
1.- kitchen
2.- hall
3.- bedroom
4.- dining room
5.- flat 
6.- living room
7.- house 
8.- bathroom

14 abr 2020

Tarea para la Semana del 14 al 17 de Abril

Hello Everyone!! Good morning!!
Esta semana voy a cambiar la rutina con la que siempre empezamos la semana.

Como nuestro confinamiento se alarga, quiero que empecéis la semana con mucha energía y ganas de trabajar, por eso vamos a empezar la tarea semanal escuchando primero esta canción con los profes del cole Frian-Teis de Vigo.
Did you like it ??? I hope so !!!. STAY AT HOME !!!

Y antes de nada quiero felicitar a los de sexto: Carolina, Jacobo, Adrián, Izan , Ari , Shere, Sabela, Iván  e Irene por haberse atrevido a hacer ya sus entradas en la plataforma de comunicación con nuestro@s amig@s de Grecia.
Recordaros que si queréis escribir un comentario en cualquiera de las entradas, tenéis que poner vuestro nombre al lado, como hace la profe Nancy, sino quedáis como anónimo y no se sabe quién lo escribió. Estaría bien que dejaseis algo escrito en las entradas de Grecia. Ánimo !!!. Lo estáis haciendo muy bien.

Algunos os animasteis a hacer algunas " Easter Crafts". Fenomenal !!! Aquí os dejo las de Carolina de 6ºB y las de Sara de 3ºB. Good job!!



13 abr 2020

Tarea de sexto ( 6th grade )

Hi 6th graders!!

Esta semana trabajaremos el video de Maya. Lo vamos a dividir en dos partes, esta semana toca "Listening 1". Tenéis que ir a la entrada de Pascua, donde pone Maya Merberg. Tenéis que hacerlo en la libreta, podéis copiarlo dejando los huecos en blanco y después escucharlo  o podéis ir escuchándolo e ir copiando.

LISTENING : How to dye Easter Eggs ( Part one )

Listen and fill in the gaps. 

" Hi everyone.________(1) we´re going to be doing an Easter tradition of dyeing Easter Eggs.

Dyeing________ (2) for Easter is a _________(3) for Christians in America.

Eggs are a ________(4) of ________(5) and ________(6) and these are things that we celebrate at the ________(7) of the _______(8)season.

________(9) eggs is a practice that dates back_________(10)years to ancient African civilizations.

Key vocabulary for this activity is ________(11), ________(12) or ________(12), ________(13) and ________(14).

We started with ________(15) but ________(16) them until they were hard-boiled so now they won´t _______(17) when we dye them.

The _______(19) step is preparing the _______(20). I´m going to boil
_______(21)cup of _______(22)for ______(23)_______(24) so since I have _______(25)colours _______(26) and _______(27) cups of water and once this boils I´ll _______(28) the _______(29) and _______(30) colouring." 

IMPORTANTE: Esta tarea me la tenéis que enviar a mi correo para corregirla individualmente.


Continuamos practicando preguntas. Os va a venir muy bien para escribir a vuestros "Geek pen pals".

Write the questions.

1.- _________________________________
     My name is Evelyn.
2.-  _________________________________
     I am 12.
3.- _________________________________
     I am from Greece.
4.- _________________________________
     I have got one brother and one sister.
5.- _________________________________
     I like dogs.
6.- _________________________________
     My favourite book is Harry Potter.
7.- _________________________________
     My favourite singer is Rozalén.
8.- _________________________________
     My favourite subject is Maths.
9.- _________________________________ 
     In my free time I usually go swimming.
10.- ________________________________
       My favourite football team is "Celta de Vigo"
11.-  _______________________________
        I am good at drawing.
12.-  _______________________________ 
        At the weekends I usually watch TV.

El viernes corregimos el writing.

Write the questions.

1.- What is your name?
2.- How old are you??
3.- Where are you from? 
4.- Have you got any brothers or sisters?
5.- What pets do you like?
6.- What is your favourite book?  
7.- What is your favourite singer?
8.- What is your favourite subject?
9.- What do you do in your free time?
10.- What is your favourite football team?
11.- What are you good at?
12.- What do you do at the weekends?                                                              

Tarea de quinto ( 5th grade)

Hello 5th graders.
Esta semana vais a hacer el mismo Listening que los de sexto. Al igual que ellos tenéis que ir a la entrada de Pascua y allí buscar Maya Merberg. El listening va a tener dos partes. Hoy toca la primera parte. Tenéis que ir escuchando y rellenando los huecos con la palabra que escucháis.
 Lo hacéis en la libreta, podéis copiarlo dejando los huecos en blanco y después escucharlo  o podéis ir escuchándolo e ir copiando.

LISTENING: How to dye Easter eggs ( Part one )

Listen and fill in the gaps. 

" Hi everyone.________(1) we´re going to be doing an Easter tradition of dyeing Easter Eggs.

Dyeing________ (2) for Easter is a _________(3) for Christians in America.

Eggs are a ________(4) of ________(5) and ________(6) and these are things that we celebrate at the ________(7) of the _______(8)season.

________(9) eggs is a practice that dates back_________(10)years to ancient African civilizations.

Key vocabulary for this activity is ________(11), ________(12) or ________(12), ________(13) and ________(14).

We started with ________(15) but ________(16) them until they were hard-boiled so now they won´t _______(17) when we dye them.

The _______(19) step is preparing the _______(20). I´m going to boil
_______(21)cup of _______(22)for ______(23)_______(24) so since I have _______(25)colours _______(26) and _______(27) cups of water and once this boils I´ll _______(28) the _______(29) and _______(30) colouring." 

IMPORTANTE: Esta tarea me la tenéis que enviar a mi correo para corregirla individualmente: teacherangelesgonzalez@gmail.com


Seguimos practicando "GOING TO". Esta semana hacéis esta página del cuadernillo.

La tarea extra es para aquellos niños y niñas cuyos padres lo han pedido. Los demás no tenéis que hacerlo, eso no quita que si alguno/a quiere, puede hacerlo. Esta tarea también se corrige los viernes.



El viernes corregimos el writing.


Exercise 1
1.- They are going to go fishing.
2.- He is  not going to play volleyball.
3.- We are going to take photos.
4.- I am not  going to go swimming in the lake.
5.- He is going to go kitesurfing.
6.- They are going to visit a castle.

Exercise 2
1.- I´m going to go
2.- We are going to listen to
3.- We are going to stay
4.- We are not going to cook
5.- We are going to eat
6.- My bother is not going to come
7.- He is going to climb
8.- I am going to ask



1.- We are watching TV.
2.- Is he studying with your classmate? Yes, he is.
3.- Steven is making his dinner.
4.- Why are you laughing? Because I am reading a funny book.
5.- The children are playing a game.
6.- It is raining now.
7.- Are they eating lunch? No, they aren´t.
8.- The birds are singing.
9.- I am doing my homework.
10.- He is not sleeping.
11.- My friend and I are talking.

12.- John is not swimming at the beach.


1.- Paul
2.- Linda
3.-Kate and Sam
4.- Peter
5.- Rosie and Laura
6.- Betty and Anna

1.- Sara is reading.
2.- Mike is having a shower.
3.- Emily and Susan are playing cards.
4.- John is talking on the phone.
5.- Jane is doing the ironing.
6.- Sally is playing computer games.
7.- Carl is brushing his teeth.
8.- Mark is walking.

1.- Yes, she is.
2.- No, they aren´t. They are drinking.
3.- Yes, she is.
4.- No, she isn´t.
5.- No, they aren´t.
6.- No, he isn´t.